Fiche cheval leading fortune

R2C9plathandicap 17583sha tin (hong kong)1600M239748hku faculties of arts and education handicap12 partantsdépart à 09:15
15happy togetherH46p6p2p4p5pbadel a.5.5/101:35
28snafflesH43p5p0p3p7pteetan k.5.25/1encolure
310big redH52p6p2p0p0phewitson l.6.35/11 l 1/2
411master of fortuneH45p1p6p2p1pchadwick m.5.55/1tete
56secret visionH51p7p6p4p0pho c.y.11/1cte tete
63packing hurricaneH44p1p1p1p8pwong e.c.w.24/11/2 l
79young brilliantH40p1p6p7p2ppoon m.f.6.8/13/4 l
84powerful wingsH55p2p1p6p2pde melo k.11/11 l 1/4
97super footballH70p0p(22)6p0pyeung m.l.53/13 l 1/2
1012chrysosH49p0p1p0p0pbentley h.58/11/2 l
112leading fortuneH71p4p3p2p0phamelin a.33/111 l
121california tenH66p0p0p4p2pbowman h.14/12 l 1/2

R2C6plathandicap 24616sha tin (hong kong)1600M230090fwd insurance 10 years young celebration handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:25
13the best peachH43p5p3p0p0pteetan k.6.55/101:34
27powerful wingsH51p6p2p0pbadel a.15/13/4 l
32chingH51p1p4p1p3phewitson l.3.2/11/2 l
410serangoonH4Inéditchung y.l.124/1encolure
59romantic charmH56p0p7p9pmcdonald j.11/11/2 l
614smiling collectorH51p9p2p2pferraris l.7/1encolure
713owners' praiseH52p8p1p5pchadwick m.4.9/1cte tete
812prince alexH50p0p3p5p9pbentley h.10/1nez
91flying questH110p(22)9p3p6ppoon m.f.65/11/2 l
1011pegasus heroH60p2p0p0pborges v.81/11/2 l
115all beautyH66p0p0p1pmoreira j.14/13/4 l
126find my loveH40p5p7p0p0pleung k.c.42/13/4 l
138leading fortuneH70p0p9p7phamelin a.143/13/4 l
144the rockH79p0p8p7p5pcurrie l.63/1encolure

R2C10plathandicap 41538sha tin (hong kong)1600M183329viva pataca handicap12 partantsdépart à 09:10
110precise expressH60p1p3p3p9pleung k.c.10/101:35
21all for st paul'sH60p0p7p(21)4ppoon m.f.12/11/2 l
312powerful wingsH44p0p5p9pho c.y.10/1cte tete
43bourbonaireH56p5p0ppurton z.5/11 l
55royal bombH62p2p2p3p0pmoreira j.3.8/11 l 3/4
62maldivesH62p3p2p3pshinn b.5.55/1tete
78classic archiH47phewitson l.65/13/4 l
89helene wisdom starH50p7p0p0p0pferraris l.40/13/4 l
96pegasus generalH59p0p7pbentley h.87/1tete
107leading fortuneH63p3p1p1p1pbadel a.7.3/11 l 1/2
114rise brethrenM44p6p1p4p5pteetan k.12/13/4 l
1211smoothiesH70p0p0p(21)3pchan k.h.31/13 l 1/2

R2C8plathandicap 45481sha tin (hong kong)1600M172041jonquil handicap12 partantsdépart à 08:37
19leading fortuneH61p1p2p2ppurton z/101:35
26beauty liveH51p1p3pmoreira j/1encolure
311precise expressH63p9p(21)0p7pleung k c/11 l 1/4
43copartner elitesH40pho c y/11 l
57victory parkH50pteetan k/1tete
612sacred ibisH90p6p9p(21)1pmaia r/1encolure
75five g patchM4Inéditbentley h/1cte tete
810lucky goldH57p9p0p(21)0pmoor d/1encolure
91ode to joyH55phewitson l/1encolure
104happy angelH49p0plai h w/12 l 1/2
112entrustedH60p5p(21)9p1pshinn b/1nez
128perfect to greatH67p7p(21)0p7pferraris l/11 l 1/4

R2C6plathandicap 46194sha tin (hong kong)1600M113963time warp handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:35
13leading fortuneH61p2p2p(21)3pbadel a/101:37
27right as rainH52p6p(21)6p6pteetan k/12 l 1/2
313lotus favoritesH68p(21)9p0p8phewitson l/1encolure
410turquoise alphaH58p7p3p(21)7pshinn b/11/2 l
52light of wanshiH67p(21)1p5p3ppurton z/1encolure
64city legendH94p0p(21)6p7pbentley h/11 l 1/2
79red elyseesH93p2p(21)3p4pchadwick m/11 l 3/4
814moonluckH69p0p(21)5p2pmoor d/12 l 1/2
91beauty spiritH84p0p(21)0p0pchan k h/1encolure
106mission bravoH50p(21)0p9p0phamelin a/13/4 l
118embarkedH45p0p(21)0p0pho c y/16 l 1/2
1212cordyceps twoH51p(21)7p9p9pborges v/11 l 1/2
1311dragon commanderH7(21)0p8p0p9pmo h t/14 l 1/2
145joyful heartH72p0p(21)5p6pleung k c/19 l 1/2

R7C6plathandicap 60679sha tin (hong kong)1600M107940the arculli trophy (handicap)14 partantsdépart à 07:35
113copartner eraH66p0p2p6p6pborges v./101:34
28free foalH43p1p6p6p0ppurton z./11 l 1/4
36robot warriorH64p4p2p(20)6pteetan k./13/4 l
49shanghai dragonH70p1p1p3p1pbentley h./1nez
54seaweed fortuneH65p2p5p7pho c.y./1cte tete
67leading fortuneH50p7p3p7p9pmoreira j./13/4 l
714super hong kongH40p0p3p7pmo h.t./1encolure
82el jefeH60p3p5p2p6pleung k.c./1cte tete
911pearl championH73p2p0p0p2ppiccone t./1encolure
1012wisdom patchH69p0p0p7p0pmaia r./11 l 1/4
1110brave kingH57p5p0p0p5pshinn b./11/2 l
123fast paceH66p6p5p3p3pcallan n./1encolure
131ever laughH88p9p5p1p5pchau c.l./11 l 3/4
145flying swordH64p9p0p7p8pc. wong/12 l 1/2

R6C6plathandicap 62696sha tin (hong kong)1600M109240blazing speed handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:00
110free foalH46p6p0p8pchadwick m./101:35
23charge onH55p4p5p8pleung k.c./1cte tete
35el jefeH65p2p6p3p9ppoon m.f./11/2 l
48robot warriorH62p(20)6p3p5pmoreira j./1nez
57brave kingH50p0p5p5p2ppiccone t./1cte tete
61new futureH58p7p8p2p1pshinn b./1encolure
74dandy yearsH45p5p2p1p7ppurton z./1nez
811red impactH49p0p9p9pho c.y./1encolure
99super fastH50p4p5p(20)7phamelin a./1encolure
1014run run goodH50p0p3p6p0pmaia r./11 l 1/4
1112copartner eraH62p6p6p5p1pbadel a./1cte tete
126leading fortuneH57p3p7p9p5pteetan k./1encolure
1313figures twoH50p0p0p0pmo h.t./1cte tete
142super eleganceH76p(20)7p7p8pbentley h./1cte tete

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